
Help Document

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SHARE+MORE is a service to make the results of CAE simulations generally accessible and shareable as 3D MODELS. Complex simulation results are much easier to understand when the observer can rotate and zoom in on a 3D model instead of just having static 2D images.

The converter creates a *.SaMo file format, which is a modern, highly compressed 3D file format, enrichted with a legend and CAE relevant data. It can be viewed in a FREE webbrowser-based viewer on ANY device (computer, tablet, mobile phone). So there is NO INSTALLATION of a viewer necessary.

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Quick Start

Quick Start inside Ansys Mechanical

find a Quick Start Introduction (inside Ansys Mechanical) here


Quick Start – Standalone (WITHOUT Ansys)

Step 1:   Create Account
The 3D models are usually confidential and are only made accessible to a designated group of users. Therefore, each user must be clearly identifiable via an accout (e-mail + password).
So create fist an accound at
After registration (1a) you will receive a confirmation e-mail which you must confirm to ensure that the e-mail is correct.


Step 2:   Start SHARE+MORE Converter

Download the SHARE+MORE Standalone Converter here.

Unpack the downloaded zip file into any folder (2a) on your system. You do not need any further installation process or administrator rights.
Start the software via SHARE+MORE_Converter.exe (2b).
Authenticate yourself by logging in with your email and password (2c)


Step 3:   Define Conversion Settings
Details for the 3D model output can be set in the Tabs (3a) and (3f).
Define the source 3D file in (3b) – the Output-filename (3c) is set automatically with a default file name, but can be changed if necessary.
For an even higher security level you can decide to encrypt your models (3d).
Use the option “Upload to CLOUD …” (3e) if you decide to use the Cloud Database (otherwise the exported model remains stored locally in the working directory).
At the Metadata Tab (3f) comments and naming for the model can be defined. Default values are based on the input file. The Document Caption (3d) is the name with which the model then appears in the model list on


Step 4:   Start Conversion
As soon as all settings are complete, the file creation process can be started with the Convert button (4a).
If necessary, the Logs tab (4b) can be checked. It gived feeback if something went wrong.


Step 5:   Open 3D model in Webbrowser-Viewer
Open the viewer in a webbrowser via + logIn with your account (5a, 5b) …

… and find your created 3D model (5c).
The 3D model can be viewed, zoomed and rotated on any end device (computer, tablet, mobile phone).


Step 6:   Share 3D model with others

Click on the SHARE+MORE Logo (6a) and make the model available to other people like other engineers in the development and testing process, management, clients, customers, marketing, trainees, etc.
Add the e-mails of the designated users (6b) you want to share the model with. The designated users must have created an account BEFOREHAND at
You can include the Link of the model (6d) in your Simulation Report or other documents
or send the recipients of the model a reminder email (6c) with the link.


Optional Step 7: Workflow with local *.SaMo files instead of using the Cloud Database

Instead of using the Cloud Database, you also can work with local 3D model files in the *.SaMo file format, which contains the 3D model enrichted with a legend and CAE relevant data.
The converter creates in the Workting Directory of the Converter (7a) for each exported result-plot a bunch of file (7b). The most important files are the *.SaMo files (7c). This file can be stored locally with the project/report or can be sent (e.g. via e-mail) to other people. Everyone can open in a webbrowser and can open local *.SaMo files with (7d).

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How to implement 3D file links in a CAE Report

The following Demo Report shows how to integrate 3D model data into a CAE Report: Demo-Report_Tatra-Phoenix-8×8

Your report in your standard format can simply be enriched with web-links to 3D models stored in the SHARE+MORE cloud database or *.SaMo files can be stored locally together with your report file. The reference in your report could look like this, for example (see text highlighted in yellow):


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Detailed viewer description

Line Break in Comments with \n

To make longer texts (e.g. document comments) more readable it is helpful to use multiline text with defined line breaks.
With the string \n you can force a line break. The string \n is NOT displayed, but only interpetated as a command in the background.

In the example the following text was set in the comment field which includes \n for defined line break:

This Demo Example shows the chassis of a truck. \nCAD Source: \n×8-mining-version-1/

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